Transporting refrigerated goods can be very stressful, as a lot rides on the successful delivery of these items without them having the chance to warm up. When companies must transport cold items, then they need to make sure that they consider the logistics of how to do so. Keeping food cold is key to preventing it from spoiling and will prevent people from getting sick. These are three great solution options for any company looking for transport refrigeration solutions that will meet the needs of their company.

Van Units

A freezer van is a wonderful option for any company looking to transport cold items and to keep them cold and safe when on the road. Made with strong fiberglass casings that are durable and reliable, these vans won’t become damaged. They also feature copper plumbing, which is key to a long life without owners having to worry about changing out the plumbing or upgrading to something new.

Not only are these units reliable, but they are also surprisingly cost effective and require very little maintenance, due to the high-quality design and construction of the freezer. The simple design features electric fans and a twin drive belt, which is easy to take care of if it is damaged or fails, and won’t cost a lot for parts. With both stand by and on road compressors, these units are built to last and are designed to provide cooling for the entire trip.

Truck Units

Companies who have larger refrigeration needs and need something a bit bigger and roomier than a van will want to consider a fridge truck. These trucks are designed to the same high standards as the freezer vans are, but since they are larger, they are great for use by bigger companies who have larger orders and higher shipping demands that they must meet.

With multiple makes and models to choose from, companies can easily pick the right truck for their needs without worrying about it being too big or too small. Additionally, these vehicles come with a variety of optional extras that can be added to ensure complete satisfaction. Curtains, a divider, shoring bars, kick panels, pallet skates or strips, and more can easily be included in the truck. Determining a company’s needs and then meeting those needs with individualised trucks will ensure that they can keep their goods cold and prevent spoiling.

Ute Units

Designed to be easy to drive, easy to pack, and to provide great cooling power for anything stored inside, these units are perfect for companies that don’t have a need for larger refrigerated transportation options. Even though they are a bit more compact, they still offer all of the same benefits as larger options.

A microprocessor provides in-cab display of the defrost function and temperature in the refrigerated section, which reduces any concerns over items not being cooled correctly. Additionally, with multiple makes and models to choose from, as well as the ability to add a number of different extras, any company can easily customise their ute unit to meet their needs without breaking the bank. Thanks to impressive temperature control and plenty of room, it’s easy for companies to transport their goods.

No matter what type of refrigeration a company chooses, having transport refrigeration options is key to making sure that food and goods arrive to their destination on time and without spoiling. It’s not just the goods that rely on correct transportation, but also the reputation of the company. For this reason, companies need to consider if a freezer van, fridge truck, or other option is the right choice for them to use